How To Login To Your Mac If Your Keyboard Isn't Working

If your keyboard isn't working when you are trying to log in, there are a few things you can do, but no perfect solution. You can use another USB keyboard, but in some cases your wireless keyboard will work as a wired keyboard too. You can also set up an Accessibility function in advance to avoid the problem.

Check out How To Login To Your Mac If Your Keyboard Isn't Working at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.

Comments: 10 Responses to "How To Login To Your Mac If Your Keyboard Isn't Working"

    I want to know if I turn on the Accessibility Options and Accessibility Keyboard and leave it on permentaly every time when I login do I have to use Accessibility Keyboard to login? Are will I be able to login normally using keyboard. Please let me know. Thanks this video is especially very useful.

    Lali: Yes, you can use the physical keyboard too. Try it and see.

    My Bluetooth keyboard was not connected to the mac mini.
    So when I turned the mac mini on, I couldn't login.
    What can I do?

    dan: So you have no other keyboard available? No USB keyboard anywhere? And if you turn on the keyboard it doesn't pair it? How about a mouse or trackpad? If you have one of those, you can bring up the on-screen keyboard.

    Gwen Gaviola

    4 months ago

    If I haven't set up those accessibility settings, how else can I log in to my Mac desktop? My mac wireless keyboard stopped working. I have it plugged in and it's still not being recognized with my Mac. I also plugged in another Lenovo USB keyboard and that's not working either. I'm stuck on the log in screen with no access to the accessibility keyboard.
    Thanks for any help.

    Gwen: If USB keyboards aren't working, you have a more serious problem. Try a reboot. If that fails then try booting into safe mode. If that fails, try an nvram and Smc reset too. If all fails, Genius Bar time.

    The accessibility keyboard work-around isn't working after restart. I can enable the accessibility keyboard while logged in and it works fine. It also works if I simply log out. But if I power down and/or restart, I can't access the accessibility keyboard at the login screen. Pressing opt+cmd+F5 enables voice over with no other options. I have selected "accessibility keyboard" under the User & Groups>Login Options>Accessibility Options. Is this just an OS version problem? Thx

    I forgot to mention: 2017 macbook running big sur

    jd: Sorry, I don't know why the Accessibility Keyboard isn't showing up for you when you restart.

    Best bet is to plug the keyboard in using its charging cable AND have a wired mouse plugged in as well. You will only need these WIRED devices until you complete the log in. By that time, you will be able to use your mac mouse and your mac keyboard wirelessly.

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